‘India March for Science’ to be Organized at Kolkata on 9th August for Demand of More Scientific Research

By Surojit Malick (TNI Howrah) | TNI Editing Kolkata

Webdesk, TNI Kolkata 7th August, 2017: On 22nd April this year, more than a million people undertook a March for Science in 600 cities across the globe, demanding robust funding for science and demanding that Governmental policies be guided by scientific evidence. In a press conference at Kolkata Press Club the Raja Bazar Science College under Calcutta University told the press including TNI that the scientific community is trying to appeal the scientists, researchers, teachers, students as well as all concerned citizens to participate in ‘India March for Science’ at Kolkata on 9th August 2017 starting from Calcutta University Rajabazar Science College to Esplanade. The march is going to be organized to place the demand of (a) Allocation of 3% GDP to scientific and technological research and 10% towards education, (b) For stopping the propagation of unscientific, obscurantist ideas and religious intolerance, in conformance with Article 51A of the Constitution, (c) Ensuring that education system imparts ideas that are supported by scientific evidence and (d) Enacting policies that are based on scientific evidence. The members present also said that “India March for Science” is also going to be organized in cities like Siliguri, New Delhi, Chennai, Bengaluru, Guwahati, Jorhat, Agartala, Bhubaneswar, Ranchi, Jamshedpur, Lucknow, Allahabad, Hyderabad, Trivandrum, Mumbai, Pune and other cities of India.

Photo: Surojit Malick (TNI)

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