Sand Mafias Highly Active at Arrah District of Bihar [VIDEO]

TNI News Service (TNS)

Webdesk, TNI Arrah, 2nd June, 2017: The illegal sand mining at the river beds under Barhara police station continues unabated. The river ghats like Semra ghat, Bindgawa ghat, Fuhan ghats are highly prone to such sand mafias at Bihar. According to the local sources, the illegal sand loading and unloading is carried out at night.

The trekker owners and the drivers mostly carry out the operations by taking help of the local agents. Instead, those agents are highly rewarded by the illegal sand loaders. Astonishingly, the police seem to be clueless about such happenings. One of the locals with the assurance of anonymity told the press that the sand mafias are having a good link with the dafadar, watchman etc. all are having a good link with the sand mafias so they operate very smoothly.

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