Water Pouch Machines for Uttar Dinajpur District to Counter Water Borne Diseases after Flood

Water Pouch Machines for Uttar Dinajpur District to Counter Water Borne Diseases after Flood

By Dipankar Dey (TNI Islampur) | TNI Editing Siliguri Webdesk, TNI Islampur, 20th August, 2017: The Department of PHE, GOWB is now manufacturing arsenic free water pouch for safe drinking water targeting the flood affected districts of the state. Two pouch manufacturing machines are being brought at Islampur and Raiganj from Malda. These machines can produce 8000 pouches from 2000 liters of water in one hour. Presently the pouches are supplied in Chopra, Islampur, Goalpokhor,…

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Road Blockade for Demand of Drinkable Water at Jateshwar

Road Blockade for Demand of Drinkable Water at Jateshwar

By Arunangshu Maitra (TNI Falakata)  |  TNI Editing Siliguri Webdesk, TNI Falakata, 1st June, 2017: People from Jateshwar today staged a road Blockade in demand of drinkable water in the area. The agitators demanded pure drinkable water in the areas of Sahapara, Jateshwar Bus Stand areas of Jateshwar. Also Read: Dirty Water from PHE Taps at Jateshwar, Makes Villager Terrified [VIDEO] The problem started from the time when muddy, undrinkable water was observed from the…

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Dirty Water from PHE Taps at Jateshwar, Makes Villagers Terrified [VIDEO]

Dirty Water from PHE Taps at Jateshwar, Makes Villagers Terrified [VIDEO]

By Arunangshu Maitra (TNI Falakata)  |  TNI Editing Siliguri Webdesk, TNI Falakata 23rd May, 2017: Terror has spread throughout Jateshwar village under Falakata Block about the unusable water coming out from the PHE taps of the area for at least 1 month. The water which is coming out of the taps is full of dirt and seemingly dangerous phytoplankton. The areas highly affected are Sahapara, Bus Stand area etc. The villagers are very much terrified…

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