HS Examination Starts at Mainaguri without any Hassles Today

HS Examination Starts at Mainaguri without any Hassles Today

Mamoni Singha Roy (TNI Mainaguri/Dhupguri) | TNI Editing Balurghat Webdesk, TNI Mainaguri, 26th February, 2019: The HS Examination started today amid tight vigilance at every exam centers of Mainaguri town. This year after the diktat of WBCHSE on mobile phone usage at the exam centers, examinees were thoroughly searched and then allowed them to enter the exam halls. As per the reports no untoward incident occurred at Mainaguri. It can be recalled that Mainaguri became…

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Ex Army Men Social Meet Organized at Binnaguri Army Camp

Ex Army Men Social Meet Organized at Binnaguri Army Camp

By Ankita Sen (TNI Banarhat) | TNI Editing Siliguri Webdesk, TNI Banarhat, 09th January, 2019: Last Sunday a program was organized at Binnaguri Army camp with the Ex Army personnel and their families. At least 1000 such ex Army personnel and their family members participated in the program. The chief guest of the program was the Dy Gen Officer Commanding Brig Mr. Pankaj Singh. In the program the ex Army personnel and their families were…

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Mental Patient Chained in His Own House due to Lack of Money for Treatment

Mental Patient Chained in His Own House due to Lack of Money for Treatment

TNI News Service Webdesk, TNI Mainaguri 24th April, 2018: In a gruesome uncovering TNI discovered that a man named Faridul Islam was kept tied by chains in his own residence for months by his family members without any sort of medical attention by his family members at Mainaguri. It is believed that he was suffering from psychological problems. On the other hand, the economic condition of his house is also found to be in a very…

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Hail Storm Lashed Jalpaiguri District Killing 2 People due to Electrocution

Hail Storm Lashed Jalpaiguri District Killing 2 People due to Electrocution

TNI News Service Webdesk, TNI Jalpaiguri 29th March, 2018: Today during the afternoon hours the sky got dark and rains came down heavily in Dooars and Jalpaiguri district. Some areas of Jalpaiguri especially experienced hailstorms along with rains. It is reported the two people died during the storm due to electrocution of an overhead wire that fell to the ground during the storm at Kranti in Jalpaiguri district. The deceased was Krishna Biswas (25) and…

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12 Year Old Boy Crushed to Death by a Bamboo Carrying Truck at Mainaguri

12 Year Old Boy Crushed to Death by a Bamboo Carrying Truck at Mainaguri

By Somnath Chakraborty (TNI Mainaguri) | TNI Editing Siliguri Webdesk, TNI Mainaguri 29th March, 2018: In a heart-shattering incident today a bamboo carrying truck run over a school going student of 6th standard at Mainaguri. The little boy was carrying potatoes to his house. The incident occurred at Mainaguri Changrabandha Saarc road at around 11 am. The poor boy named Sanjib Roy (12) died on the spot. The driver of the truck left the truck…

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Rally Demanding Magisterial Level Enquiry of Question Paper Scam at Mainaguri

Rally Demanding Magisterial Level Enquiry of Question Paper Scam at Mainaguri

By Somnath Chakraborty (TNI Mainaguri) | TNI Editing Siliguri Webdesk, TNI Mainaguri 28th March, 2018: After the Madhyamik Question Paper scam case came to the forefront, there were more allegations submitted to the WBBSE after that. Based on the allegations all the administrative positions of the ongoing HS examination headed by Mr. Haridayal Roy were snatched from him. The incident was brought to light by the SI of Mainaguri and a Teacher of the Mainaguri…

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Mother Could Not Call ‘Matriyan’, Baby Delivered inside Toto at Mainaguri

Mother Could Not Call ‘Matriyan’, Baby Delivered inside Toto at Mainaguri

By Somnath Chakraborty (TNI Mainaguri) | TNI Editing Siliguri Webdesk, TNI Mainaguri 28th March, 2018: A lady from Mainaguri named Mamoni Mandal had given birth to a baby in an E-Rickshaw (TOTO). This incident had created a furor at Mainaguri. Interestingly, during this time the BMOH Dr. Lucky Dewan claimed that victim’s family member never applied for the ‘Matriyan’ (A vehicle for the pregnant woman). According to the incident, the father’s house of Mamoni Mandal…

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Matriyan Called but Vehicle Never Reached the Lady with Labor Pain at Mainaguri

Matriyan Called but Vehicle Never Reached the Lady with Labor Pain at Mainaguri

By Somnath Chakraborty (TNI Mainaguri) | TNI Editing Siliguri Webdesk, TNI Mainaguri 28th March, 2018: The ‘Matriyan’ vehicle for carrying the pregnant women was called but it didn’t come hence a pregnant lady with labor pains had to take an E – Rickshaw was called by her to get her to the hospital. She was in acute labor pain. According to the incident, the concerned lady Mamoni Mandal of South Khagrabari was with intense labor…

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Annual Sports of Anandam Kinder Days Held at Jalpaiguri Yesterday

Annual Sports of Anandam Kinder Days Held at Jalpaiguri Yesterday

TNI News Service (TNS) Webdesk, TNI Jalpaiguri, 19th February, 2018: 4th Annual Sports Day – 2018 of Anandam Kinder Days was held on yesterday at ABPC Play-Ground of College Para, Jalpaiguri. Students aged in between 1.5 years to 6 years were divided into 4 houses namely Red Blue Green and Yellow. The event was inaugurated by Mr. Arijit Biswas, Managing Director, and CEO, Anandam Group of Companies. The events included sprint, hurdle race, orange race,…

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Man Killed, Burnt and Burnt in Broad Daylight at Malbazar

Man Killed, Burnt and Burnt in Broad Daylight at Malbazar

By Supriyo Basak (TNI Dhupguri) | TNI Editing Siliguri Webdesk, TNI Malbazar, 1st January, 2018: A man was killed and burnt and then buried at Malbazar by his brother and father. The incident happened yesterday morning at Kshudirampally Panditpara area under Meteli PS. The victim is said to be Lathi Oraon. Interestingly, the gruesome incident happened in front of the villagers in broad daylight. The villagers tried to stop but the accused duo shoo away…

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