Mental Patient Chained in His Own House due to Lack of Money for Treatment

TNI News Service

Webdesk, TNI Mainaguri 24th April, 2018: In a gruesome uncovering TNI discovered that a man named Faridul Islam was kept tied by chains in his own residence for months by his family members without any sort of medical attention by his family members at Mainaguri. It is believed that he was suffering from psychological problems. On the other hand, the economic condition of his house is also found to be in a very disturbing situation. Faridul was not a psychological patient earlier. He was working as a carpenter in Kerala years ago. Later he became a psychological patient and his entire family fell into jeopardy to meet household chores as Faridul was only the earning member of the family.

Faridul is having his wife, his old mother his 3 minor children to live with. Presently, his wife is working as a housemaid for maintaining a livelihood. The education of the children is highly affected due to the economic problem of Faridul. In such a condition the note social worker from Mainaguri Mr. Rabiul Islam came forward and took the responsibility of the education and clothes of the children of Faridul through the social organization of Mr. Rabiul Islam i.e. Swami Vivekananda Voluntary Organization (Swami Vivekananda Swechcha Sebi Sanghathan). Mr. Rabiul appealed to the society to come forward to help the ailing Faridul Islam for his treatment so that he can come to the society and help his family in distress.

Photos: TNI Photos

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