Rally Demanding Magisterial Level Enquiry of Question Paper Scam at Mainaguri

By Somnath Chakraborty (TNI Mainaguri) | TNI Editing Siliguri

Webdesk, TNI Mainaguri 28th March, 2018: After the Madhyamik Question Paper scam case came to the forefront, there were more allegations submitted to the WBBSE after that. Based on the allegations all the administrative positions of the ongoing HS examination headed by Mr. Haridayal Roy were snatched from him. The incident was brought to light by the SI of Mainaguri and a Teacher of the Mainaguri Subhash Nagar High School Mr. Biswajit Roy.

There are allegations that the two whistleblowers were threatened every day for this. Today a rally was organized by Mainaguri Nagorik Chetana Manch in demand of proper security of the whistleblowers and also for proper investigation of the incident. Later 5 point demand was submitted to the Mainaguri BDO by the members. The demands included Magistrate Level inquiry of the incident instead of WBBSE. Bringing the normalcy of the academic situation at Subhash Nagar High School etc.

Photo: Somnath Chakraborty (TNI)

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