Islampur Floods Forces Administration to Heighten Relief Operations [VIDEO]

TNI News Service
Webdesk, TNI Islampur 14th August 2017: At Islampur due to incessant rains and the waters from northern districts through the rivers had worsened the flood situation. At least 35 villages were officially reported to be flood affected.
The BDO of Islampur had temporarily opened 9 flood shelters for helping the flood affected people and families. 5 out of 9 shelters are being made in the schools and madrasas of the area. They are Bhujagaon High Madrasa (Where 200 families were sheltered), Nandangach Patagram Girls High School (Where 1500 people were sheltered), Rahatpur FPS (Where 1200 people were sheltered), Goagaon SSK (Where 100 people were sheltered) and Tangrabandh FPS (Where 300 people were sheltered).