Discrepancies In Ration Shop Unearthed at Falakata

Arunangshu Maitra (TNI Falakata)  |  TNI Editing Siliguri

Webdesk, TNI Falakata, 5th May, 2017: Residents of Falakata Subhashpally today took on a Ration Shop alleging that the owners of the MR shop are continuously distributing low-quality food items and also in lesser quantity. Another discrepancy was found in the signboard of the ration shop. Though the Ration shop is situated at the house of a localite named Raba Saha of Falakata Subhashpally yet the signboard shows Chuwakhola, Falakata. The name of the shop owner is also covered by white paint. One localite named Subhankar Bir told the press that he protested against the malpractice by duping with low weight and low quality of food item. However, three brothers of the owner thrashed him. Later he complained about the incident to the police. Police came to the spot and took control of the situation.

Photo: Arunangshu Maitra (TNI)

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