Plastic Eggs Seized from Kolkata’s Tiljala Area [VIDEO]

TNI News Service

Webdesk, TNI Kolkata, 30th March, 2017: In a shocking incident plastic eggs were seized from Kolkata yesterday by the Police from Kareya Police Station. A woman complained about the incident to the Department of Consumer Affairs. The egg seller named Md. Shamim Ansari was also detained by the police from Tiljala area.

Eggs recovered from him are sent for testing. The concerned complainant said that smell of plastic used to come when these eggs were used to cook. This raised some doubt and hence the complaint was lodged. When the Mayor of Kolkata Municipal Corporation was contacted he said to the press “I have heard about plastic eggs but never thought of seeing them in the city. We are taking a very cautious step and I have asked my officers to run a check at market places and poultry farms”.

Video Source: News Update

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