By R. Subrata (TNI Siliguri) ~ Edited By Pradiptamay Saha (TNI Siliguri)

Webdesk, TNI Siliguri, 23rd February, 2015: A short cricket tournament has been organised at North Bharat Nagar Tarun Tirtha Club grounds. The tournament is slated to be completed by two days. According to the officials of the organizing committee Mr. Prasanna Moitra “A total of 16 teams are participating from Siliguri. Over all a good ambience is being provided to the audience to enjoy the community cricket.

Good prize money is being kept for attracting good number of quality teams”. A small boundary, few players, tennis ball, community rules etc. are the highlight of this community cricket which is being enjoyed by a large number of spectators in the ground. The organizers were very much confident that this competition will grow in a big community cricket tournament in the days to come. Apart from this if there is the support from the sponsorers, it will become a great support for them. This kind of community tournament may not bring in mainstream cricketers but will definitely lead to create more social bonding in the form of cricket.

Photo and Audio Interview: R. Subrata (TNI)

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