Poisonous Snake Rescued from a House at Nagrakata

Ankita Sen (TNI Banarhat) TNI News Service (TNS)

Webdesk, TNI Nagrakata 8th August, 2021: A king cobra snake was rescued early this morning from Looksan more at Dooars by a local snake expert Named saiyad naiyam Babun. The snake was under bed of a local resident of Looksan named Kanaiya Prasad in his house. When they got up early morning they found a poisonous snake lying under the bad room. Seeing it all the house members became nervous. They shouted for help. The local neighbors also came and called the snake expert Babun from Nagrakata. Later he rescued snake safely. He told the media that the snake was a specticle king cobra. Later he gave it to the forest dept. Kaniya prasad thanked the snake expert Mr Babun for his immediate help.

Photo: Ankita Sen (TNI)

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