Floods and Hill Deadlock Makes Life Hell for NJP Vehicle Owners/Drivers [VIDEO]

By R. Subrata (TNI Siliguri) | TNI Editing Siliguri
Webdesk, TNI Siliguri, 30th August, 2017: Car Drivers of the busiest Railway Station of North Bengal are now almost jobless for the last 2 months firstly due to the Indefinite Strikes in Hills and at Present almost zero trains services courtesy, the devastating floods washing away railway tracks and bridges.
Today when TNI reached NJP Station it looked almost a semi deserted look, very similar to successful ‘Bandh’ day. Rickshaws, E- Rickshaws, Auto Rickshaws were to be seen by magnifying glass and the entire Jeep stand was totally shut down. Vehicles were kept in locked condition. TNI interacted with Mr. Rabiul Islam. According to him, the vehicle drivers are in a very uncertain situation due to the turmoil. They don’t know whether to stay in the profession or not. Even if the deadlock breaks in hills and the train services resume, yet the business is under loss because this summer and the puja season has gone waste this year.
Photos & Video: R. Subrata (TNI)