One Samosa for just 50 paise: Yes, it’s in Old Malda in the Year 2017

TNI News Service (TNS)

Webdesk, TNI Malda 25th July, 2017: In this time when coins are almost becoming extinct, can you imagine getting a Samosa for just 50p only? Of course, it’s unimaginable. However, it’s a reality and the reality is in this state in the district of Malda. More specifically Old Malda.

The seller is one of the famous in the area and is lovingly known as Shingara Dadu. His real name is also coincidentally related to his delicacies he produces every day i.e. Taila Munda. For over three decades Mr. Taila Munda is selling Samosas in just 50 paisa. However, size has reduced for maintaining a balance in the price rise of raw materials. On the other hand, the thing that has not reduced is the taste. According to some old customers, the taste has increased.

Taila Munda in his Samosa Shop
Taila Munda in his Samosa Shop

When asked about Why and How of his business, Mr. Munda felt it right to smile the answer away probably to hide his competitive business secret. He only reiterated that he will continue to sell it at the same price till his last breath. Whatever may be the reason, this is certainly astonishing to find such a thing made possible by Mr. Taila Munda in his daily Business life and just not to break records but to do serious business.

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