Well-Known Branded Sattu Sold with Dead Cockroaches Inside at Falakata

By Arunangshu Maitra (TNI)  |  TNI Editing Siliguri

Webdesk, TNI Falakata, 8th June, 2017: Literally bugs were found in Sattu. The incident had occurred at the Mill Road area near NH 31. It is alleged by a resident of the area named Mr. Dandan Chakraborty that he had bought a Well-known Branded Pack of Sattu from a grocery shop. When he opened the packet for consumption he and his wife found a dead cockroach inside. Immediately, he reported the matter to the concerned shop however, the shopkeeper did not cooperate and returned back the same to him. However, this has evoked panic among the other consumers in the area since; they are also the regular buyers of various packed Sattu from the shops nearby. Mr. Chakraborty informed TNI that he is going to raise a complaint about the incident with the district consumer forum.

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