SSC North Zone Bachao Committee to Demonstrate at Uttar Kanya for Their Demand [VIDEO]

By Arunangshu Maitra (TNI Falakata) | TNI Editing Siliguri
Webdesk, TNI Falakata 12th May, 2017: Today at Falakata’s Town club ground the newly formed SSC Northern Zone Bachao Committee organized a meeting. In the meeting, the committee members and the office bearers came to a consensus and took a decision to organize a march to Uttar Kanya program along with that they also discussed various other demands for the same. All this was informed by the secretary of the committee Mr. Farukh Ahmed. The demands of the SSC Northern Zone Bachao Committee are the reimplementation of Zone based recruitment. Withdrawal of SLST and re-implementation of RLST, removal of police verification and medical fitness test and others.
Photo: Subhankar Sarkar (Birpara)
Video: Biswajit Gope (Falakata)
Inputs: Atish Sen (TNI)