Demand of Bharat Ratna for Kishore Kumar Rises, Rally to be Organized on Singer’s Birthday [VIDEO]

Demand of Bharat Ratna for Kishore Kumar Rises, Rally  to be Organized on Singer’s Birthday [VIDEO]

By Surojit Malick (TNI Howrah) | TNI Editing Kolkata Webdesk, TNI Kolkata, 2nd August 2017: Very recently an organization from Howrah Salkia named “Kishore Kumar Memorial Cultural Association” organized a special meeting at Kolkata Press Club. This meeting, as the name suggests was organized in memorial of the legendary singer Kishore Kumar. In the meeting, the chief guest was the Sports Minister Mr. Lakshmi Ratan Sukla, famous writer and director Mr. Srikumar Mukherjee and others. In…

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