Model Youth Parliament Conducted at Siliguri by Young Indians

By Hirak.D (TNI Siliguri) | TNI Editing Siliguri
Webdesk, TNI Siliguri, 17th February, 2019: Young Indians, Siliguri Chapter today conducted a Model Yi Youth Parliament in Siliguri at Salesian College. The Model Parliament was a unique event with a model Lok Sabha setup, where young students participated as Young Parliamentarians. The topic for discussion for the committee was National Youth Policy, and the Education Policy of India. Young Indians conducted this event with support from Shri Mani Bhuhan Jha, Founder President, Chanakya Policy Foundation, New Delhi. Shri Mani has been recognized with Young Achievers Award by the Ministry of Youth Affairs, and he has conducted many such capacity building programs throughout India.
He has also been part of discussions on social change with PM Shri Narendra Modi. The objective of the Model Yi Youth Parliament, conducted by Young Indians, is to provoke a though process amongst they youth. The youth must engage in the National Building process, but to build the nation, they must build themselves first, by aligning their needs with the national developmental goals. This event provided the opportunity to the youth to review the current National Youth Policy, and then through research make observations and recommendations about what they think needs to Change in the country with respect to the National Youth Policy. Mr. Anuj Kothari, National Chairman of Young Indians addressed the students through digital media and encouraged them to become Thought Leaders. Young Indians, had reached out to thousands of youth across the districts of Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, Coochbehar and Uttar Dinajpur regarding this program. Initial training on parliamentary proceedings were conducted on 16th January in Siliguri. Finally around 292 students participated in the final Model Yi Youth Parliament. Young Indians shall be preparing a White Paper based on the recommendations given by the young students and forward the document to the Ministry of Youth Affairs.
Photo: Hirak. D (TNI)