Islampur First Track Court Give Life time Imprisonment to Husband for Killing Wife

By Dipankar Dey (TNI Islampur) | TNI Editing Siliguri
Webdesk, TNI Islampur, 29th May 2017: Islampur Court today sentenced a man accused of killing his wife for the sake of dowry to a life time imprisonment. It is learned that in the year 2009, 1st April, Amizuddin from Goalpokhor Police Station had filed a complaint against the accused Rehamat for killing his daughter. Goalpokhor police on the basis of the complaint had arrested the accused. In that case the sentence has been declared by the First track first court of Islampur today. It was known that Rehmat was married to the deceased Taima by traditioinal process. Soon after the marriage Rehmat used to torture her for want of more dowry. At Borobilla village Rehmat is said have killed his wife. After the sentence the father of the deceased told TNI “I would have been happier if Rehmat was hanged till death”.
Photo: Dipankar Dey (TNI)