Forest Poaching Racket Caught by Belakoba Forest Range [VIDEO]

By Shekhar Patra (TNI) | TNI Editing Siliguri
Webdesk, TNI Jalpaiguri, 8th May, 2017: After a major raid of continuous 72 hours a racket was busted by the Belokoba forest range under the leadership f DFO Sanjay Dutta. The total number of arrests made is around 9 among which 3 are Bodo, 1 Assamese. DFO Mr. Sanjay Dutta informed TNI that the accused people used to kill wild animals and sell off the body parts through the Gelephu Corridor of Bhutan. A Bhutanese was also arrested and he belongs to the Dukpa community.
Another 4 were arrested by getting information from the already arrested people. The other 4 arrested are Nepali and Mech by origin. Among all the arrested one of them belong from Leash Tea Garden. All the accused took shelter in his house. Every day they use to move around in the forest in search of animals and poach them. One of the major breakthroughs in the raid was the arrest of the most wanted criminal John Ekka. John is having charges with Arms deal, Fake Currency trafficking etc leveled against him.
Photo & Video: Department of Forest, Belakoba Range