Demand for Conversion of Banarhat to a Block Raises Higher

By Atish Sen (TNI Banarhat) | TNI Editing Siliguri
Webdesk, TNI Banarhat, 4th May, 2017: A meeting of ‘Banarhat Block Demand Forum’ has been held at Chamurchi G.P office on today afternoon. The Single-agendum meeting was held to raise the demand of announcing Banarhat a block comprising its seven adjacent Gram Panchayats and to setup block office at Banarhat. According to the organizer, Banarhat is fully sufficient with infrastructural aspects to have a separate Block. In comparison with Meteli and Nagrakata Block, Banarhat holds larger population and area. The term ‘Banarhat Block’ had already been implemented by different political parties in their Organizational Frame. Mr. Saibal Das Gupta, Secretary, ‘Banarhat Block Demand Forum’ informed TNI that the main committee for their demand had been already formed. Now they are going to form unit committees in several Gram panchayats in order to strengthen the valid clamor on the same issue.
Photo: Atish Sen (TNI)