41st Annual Program of Bharat Sevashram Jalpaiguri Came to an End Today [VIDEO]

TNI News Service (TNS)
Webdesk, TNI Jalpaiguri, 23rd April, 2017: Today at Jalpaiguri the 41st Annual Program of Bharat Sewashram was completed. The program started from 21st of April and continued for three days. The entire program was an initiative by Swami Vishwa Premanandaji Maharaj. On 21st a Procession was organized by the Jalpaiguri ashram where devotees of Bharat Sewasharama Participated along with children.
In the next day there were various cultural program including sit and draw competition for the children, Conch shell competition, Ululation competition etc. Swamijis from various parts of India have gathered at Jalpaiguri for taking part in the program. Every evening there were sandhya arati in the ashram premises. Many devotees were seen taking part in the arati. Apart from this today there was Maha Avisheka Yagna was arranged along with the Maha Prasada distribution took place at the Bharat Sevashram Jalpaiguri.
Video & Photo: Bharat Sevashram, Jalpaiguri