Its a Dog, It’s a Tiger … No it’s the Mystery Canine at Islampur

By Dipankar Dey (TNI Islampur)  |  TNI Editing Siliguri

Webdesk, TNI Islampur, 5th April, 2017: After Jalpaiguri, the Mystery Canine attacked people at Islampur today. The incident happened at Islampur Police Station’s Matikunda 1 and Matikunda 2 gram panchayat area. In this biting incident allegedly by the Mystery Canine at least 20 victims were injured and are now under treatment at under a local Public Health Clinic. The victims are confused by the nature of the animal. Some said it’s a stray dog.

Some said at a tiger cub and some are unable to trace it. On the other hand incidents of the Mystery canine attack also came from villages like Chandmoni, Dangapara, Ataldangi, Ashram, Moulani of Islampur Sub Division. Most of the victims are children. From the Islampur Hospital sources, it is confirmed that the victims will be treated at Islampur Hospital. However, the husband of Panchayat Pradhan Mr. Balaram Modok told TNI that there are no visible taken by the administration about the incidents.

Photo: Dipankar Dey (TNI)

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