Patient Party Keeps Patient after Treatment, Nursing Home in Trouble

TNI News Service

Webdesk, TNI Burdwan, 8th March, 2017: After the tough prescription by the CM of Bengal towards the health sector, Burdwan District is facing a spurt of action taken by district administration against the private nursing homes of the town and adjoining areas. The investigations are carried out on the basis of complaints lodged by patient parties against the nursing homes related to huge unnecessary billing, negligence in treatment, irrelevant pathological tests etc. The nursing home management is also up in the heels to make necessary steps to meet up the standards fixed for billings and other services. On the other hand, it is also alleged that a section of the patient parties is taking advantage of the situation. According to the nursing home management on 10th February 2017, a patient named Joseph Mardi was successfully operated and on 27th February the patient party was informed to take away the patient as he was fit and fine. However, the patient was not taken away and a complaint was lodged against the nursing home of over billing and negligence in care. The district administration took up the matter investigated. Even the panchayat was also informed to find the facts. The district health inspection suggested that the patient is fine but the patient party didn’t take away the patient. This has become a tricky situation under which the nursing home is going through.

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