After more than 6 years of its presence today timesonfnorth.IN comes with a brand new website ensemble with various features targeting the corners of North Bengal, North East India, and Bihar-Jharkhand region. It was not big ride from the year 2011 on 21st December when the site came up with the under the then company Webnettrix. Later it was withdrawn and again launched it afresh in March 2014 under the company M/s TIMES OF NORTH. This time the website is redesigned. Over the years with its tentacles spread throughout north Bengal and even in South Bengal, the newsite is gaining popularity. The promoters of the company felt it as the right time to redesign the whole site with enough flexibility. In a unique innovative stand, this is for the first time launching from various parts of the country and even from the United States. Eminent personalities are invited to and they readily agreed to be a part of the noble mission. The site is now launched from various places i.e. During the launch the directors of the company i.e. Smt. Baby Roy, Mr. Nanda Dulal Das, and Smt. Gitashri Dey thanked all the Correspondents, News-Coordinators, Executive Editors and the TNI Representatives spread throughout North Bengal and elsewhere, whose special efforts made the historic Multicity Launch of the new newssite of www.timesofnorth.IN a big success. Among them, Mr. Dipankar Dey, Mr. Partha Chatterjee, Mr. Atish Sen and Mr. D. Prasun deserved special mention.

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