450 Blankets Distributed at Kadambini Tea Garden of Falakata

By Arunangshu Maitra (TNI Falakata)  |  TNI Editing Falakata

Webdesk, TNI Falakata, 6th January, 2016: Falakata Elixir and Light House (Kolkata) jointly organized a blanket distribution program at Kadambini Tea Garden of Falakata. A total of 450 blankets were distributed today. The invitees of the program were the MLA of Falakata Mr. Anil Adhikari, Falakata Panchayat Samiti Chief Smt. Sandhya Biswas, the BDO of Falakata Smt. Smriti Subba, the manager of Kadambini Tea Garden and others. Before the distribution of the blanket, there was a short drama and an Adivasi Dance staged in front of the guests. Mr. Somnath Goswami and Mr. Asim Sarkar of Falakata Elixir along with them Mr. Kanchan Kumar Roy from Light House (Kolkata) said that both the organization wanted to do something for those workers who help people get their morning tea every day. In view of this vision, this blanket distribution was organized jointly.

Photo: Arunangshu Maitra (TNI)

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