By R. Subrata (TNI Siliguri) | TNI Editing Siliguri

Webdesk, TNI Siliguri, 22nd July, 2016: The Entire North Bengal is reeling under heavy flood due to incessant rains throughout the Hills and plains. The Met office has predicted that in the next 48 hours Siliguri will also experience a heavy thundershower. Like that of the other parts of Siliguri, Saratnagar area of Aatharokhai anchal also came under flood like situation.

Road under water at Saratnagar
Road under water at Saratnagar

Water entered the homes of the dwellers here. The military road is already under problems due to non-repairing for the last few years. The rains had created more problems for the residents. The residents have alleged that the local administration had paid least attention to the drainage system of the area. Mr. Gurucharan Roy has alleged that “The local panchayat including the Panchayat pradhan did not visit the place which is in submerged condition. We ourselves have to come down in the streets to rescue the affected people. I along with 20 odd people have tried to clear the blockage of the drains. The people who got elected by these people in the local administration did not visit the affected families”.

Photos: Bibek Roy (Saratnagar, Shivmandir)

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