TNI News Service (TNS)
Webdesk, TNI Siliguri 12th May, 2016: A blood donation camp was organized at North Bengal University, Where teachers, students and also some outsiders donated blood. The camp was organized by Mathematics Department. The Department conducts blood donation camp every year from 2007. Last year 166 people donated their blood. The head of the Department Dr. Manoranjan Singha said that the teachers of the Department contributed financially to this campaign. On the other hand, the students of the department volunteered the camp. Physician Dr. Ranjan Maity and his team came here to monitor the event. Today at least, 200 units of blood were collected in this camp which was later sent to North Bengal Medical College and Hospital.
Edited By: D. Prasun (TNI Siliguri)
Photo & Input: Puja Das (INT – Siliguri)