By Partha Chatterjee (TNI Raigunj) ~ Edited By R. Subrata (TNI Siliguri)
Webdesk, TNI Raigunj, 23rd January, 2016: For the life term sentence convicts North Bengal now has got its own Open Correctional Home here in Raiganj. Today it was inaugurated officially by the MIC Jail Administration Mr. Haider Ali Safi. Apart from the MIC the other dignitaries present were ADG IG Mr. Arun Kumar Gupta, IG Mr. Kalyan Pramanik, District Magistrate Mr. Randhir Kumar, District Police Super Mr. Amit Kumar Bharat Rathod etc. The new building is made by renovating the old Housing complex of the Departmental Staffs in the compound. The MIC told to the press that at least 30 inmates can be accommodated in this centre simultaneously. This is the third such correctional home in the state after Lalgola and Durgapur. MIC further clarified that the selection of the inmates in this special centre would be decided by a selection committee. The specialty of this correctional home is that the inmates would get a chance to earn for themselves by indulging themselves in some productive works. However, everyday food would be provided by the Department itself.

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