By Atish Sen (TNI Banarhat) ~ Edited By R. Subrata (TNI Siliguri)
Webdesk, TNI Banarhat, 15th January, 2016: Today a special event happened at Banarhat High School. The school was open on Pous Sankranti day also. However, it may not be a very enjoying information for the students but what is enjoying is that the all the students of the school and the teachers today enjoyed an unexpected party of Sankranti Pitha and Payesh. When entire Bengal and Assam is celebrating Poush Sankranti, most of the BPL families have to go half fed courtesy the economic uncertainty going on in this tea belt. The school management today took the initiative to offer the Pitha and Payesh to all the students of the school. The students also had their unbounded happiness after receiving the unexpected gift. While talking to TNI, a teacher of the school Mr. Satyabrata Sengupta said that “We wanted to go beyond the routine corridors and thus offered this event to bring the smile on the faces of the students”. The Head Master Mr. Sukalyan Bhattacharya said “I am just the executing authority of this program everything has been done by the school management committee and the teachers. In the future, we also have some programs for the laborers of the closed tea gardens of Dooars”. In this connection, he also pointed out that the Mid Day meal kitchen is still in an unfinished condition.
Photo: Atish Sen (TNI)

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