By Arunangshu Maitra (TNI Falakata) ~ Edited By D. Prasun (TNI Siliguri)

Webdesk, TNI Falakata, 19th November, 2015: An indefinite Truck Strike has been called at Falakata from today. This has led to harassment of the common people and the businessmen. An incident of clash between worker and transport owner had taken place on 17th November. The incident had taken a shape of inter union clash i.e. between Falakata Heavy Truck and Mini Truck Owner Association and North Bengal Motor Worker Association. The secretary of the Motor worker association Mr. Chandan Mitra denied any role of the union in calling the strike. Instead there was a little scuffle which was not so serious enough to be complaining to the police. The worker association further demanded that the talks can go further if the complaint is being withdrawn.

Photo: TNI Graphics

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