By Rita Das (TNI Siliguri) ~ Edited By Pradiptamay Saha (TNI Siliguri)

Webdesk, TNI Siliguri, 8th October, 2015: The oldest and famous college of Siliguri i.e. Siliguri College is not only an educational Institution of the city it’s an evidence of history which have witnessed the environment of the hurdles of the city just after the independence of India. It has witnessed the influx of the Bangladeshis in this part of the country after the riots in Bangladesh just during Independence and after 1961 and much more. Many famous personalities of the city have been an ex-student of this heritage college. Today it celebrated its 66th day of its inauguration. A cultural program was organized to mark the occasion. Almost all the departments of the college have taken part in the program. Items like single dance, group dance, drama, instrumental song etc. were performed. The ex-student of the college and Associate Professor Dr. Bidyapati Agarwal said that she looks at the College as her family and she feels proud to be the part of the teaching fraternity of the college. Apart from her, the other dignitaries present was Mr. Pratul Chakraborty, President of the Governing Body of Siliguri College, Prof. Subrata Nandi, Prof. Rajkumari Dahal, Prof. Prabir Gupta, Dr. Pradip Dutta, Prof. Jhinuk Dasgupta etc. and the students of the College.

Photo: Rita Das (TNI)

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