By R. Subrata (TNI Siliguri) ~ Edited By D. Prasun (TNI Siliguri)

Webdesk, TNI Siliguri, 16th August, 2015: Help Tourism, yesterday celebrated its 24 days of inception in North Bengal. It’s India’s first Rural Tourism Company was established in 15th of August, 1991 at Siliguri. The company gradually spread its action areas from the core region of North Bengal and Sikkim to entire Northeast India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar. It promoted a number of micro tourism enterprises at the grassroots levels in villages of East and Northeast India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar by identifying rural tourism destinations, organizing local awareness about empowerment and independence through tourism etc. For the last 24 years, the Company earned several awards and accolades of international repute, given the responsibility to organize ecotourism policies for states and countries, organizing the rural tourism festival at destination level and Rural Tourism Bazaars for market linkage of the rural enterprises. However, it has a simple touch in its approach for its endeavor. In a very small and homely atmosphere Help Tourism celebrated its 24th Inception Day at its Head Office in Hill Cart Road. Many personnel from tourism fraternity joined the day. The founder of the company Mr. Raj Basu, who is a welknown person in the Tourism sector addressed the event. There was an informal meeting for deciding the future course of action.

Graphics: TNI Creatives

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