By Nisha Chettri (TNI Kalimpong) ~ Edited By Pradiptamay Saha (TNI Siliguri)

Webdesk, TNI Kalimpong, 12th August, 2015: Meet the twin brothers, Luv K.C and Kush K.C who were born in Barbot, Kalimpong. The duo with the help of Karan Raj K.C-a video director is preparing to release their first new album Azzadiyan, this Independence day. Azzaadiyan is a Hindi word which means freedom, explaining the Hindi term, the music enthusiasts’ said, ‘We live in India and Hindi is our national language, we have heard of sufficient songs in Nepali produced from Kalimpong and to be the change, we have three Hindi songs in the album one with a title song Azzadiyan’. The crew of the new album has been working day and night to complete their first music video before 15th August, ‘Independent day is the right day to release our album as the meaning of Azzadiyan would be comparable to Independence day’ said Kush K.C, a born singer. The album has six songs, three Nepali and three Hindi, and the famous term ‘Senteram’ is one of the Nepali songs. ‘Senteram is not a copyrighted word, it is just a term and this senteram is not a sequel of the first famous senteram’ clarified the video director Karan K.C. The boys of early twenties said that they have come together to bring a change and influence the mindset of the people with positivism. The crew also said that the album deals with the evils of ‘Child-Labor’ that is spread across the country in an uncontrollable manner. ‘We know that nobody can remove this evil from the society but at least we can bring awareness through our songs and lyrics’ believes the twins. When one talks about bringing change the other brother speaks about the lyrics which are penned with an overwhelming insight. In a conversation with the crew of Azzadiyan, this journalist was explained about the type of lyrics which the listeners might be inclined after listening to them as it has a message which everyone can relate to. ‘Our thought is simple and convincing enough, boys like us who belong to middle-class family spend 100-200 rupees every day and to the beggars or rag-pickers we give 3-5 rupees of coins, 3-5 rupees won’t bring any change to their lives but if we come together, sacrifice and mount up 100-200 rupees which we spent every day and give it to them, their future is definitely going to change’ said Kush K.C. However the team is expecting to make a movie with the title ‘Senteram’ after September if this album turns out to be a success, said the video director before signing off.

Photo: Nisha Chettri (TNI)

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