By D. Prasun (TNI Siliguri) ~ Edited By R. Subrata (TNI Siliguri)

Webdesk, TNI Siliguri, 4th July, 2015: In a serious note Siliguri vocally rejected the use of plastic carry bags in the city. In a Public Consultation Meet organized by the West Bengal Pollution Control Board at Dinabandhu Manch yesterday The MIC, NBDD, Govt of West Bengal, Mr. Gautam Deb said in his address that if the hills can do it they why can’t the people in the plains? On behalf of HNAF Mr. Animesh Basu described the ill effects of Plastic Carry bag pollution. In the consultation meet various NGO’s, Schools, Colleges etc. participated and raised their viewpoints in this regard. Minister Gautam Deb also reiterated to come up above narrow politics and join the movement for against the use of plastic carry bag in Siliguri Subdivision. Apart from the MIC, NBDD the other dignitaries present were Mr. Nantu Paul, opposition leader SMC Board, Councilors of SMC-like Mr. Sankar Ghosh MIC, Culture, and Education, SMC, Social Activists like Mr. Piyush Kanti Roy, Somnath Chatterjee etc. However, one of the important questions which remained unanswered is the issue of availability of alternative cheap and biodegradable materials for making shopping carry bags. Incidentally, this is one of the important reasons, felt by most of the retailers and customers in the market (Major users of plastic carry bags in Siliguri). The cotton carry-bags, that are used in the market cost almost double or triple than the plastic carry bags, which forces the sellers not to offer them to the customers or charge extra for those bags.

Photo: S. Sanyal (Siliguri)

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