By Pradip Kundu (TNI Coochbehar) ~ Edited By Pradiptamay Saha (TNI Siliguri)

Webdesk, TNI Coochbehar, 25th June, 2015: Yesterday, District Magistrate of Cooch Behar district has circulated a notice for the residents of ‘Chit Mahal’. The notice is in the context of the contract signed between Bangladesh and India in 1974 and the implementation of 2011′s protocol. The notice says that, from and onward the midnight of 31st July, 2015, all the Bangladeshi enclaves (Chitmahals) situated inside Indian Territory will be considered as Indian mainland.Those residents of Bangladeshi enclaves who have participated in joint head count of 2011 and their children born after that will be getting Indian citizenship and they will be entitled to all the facilities as same as other citizens of India. In the first two weeks of July 2015, a joint survey team of India-Bangladesh will travel all the enclaves and will collect feedback from the residents. Those who want to retain Bangladeshi citizenship and wish to go to the main land of Bangladesh, have to apply to the survey team in the specified form. Anyone who wishes to retain Bangladeshi citizenship has to complete all the formalities within the time period of 01/08/2015 to 30/11/2015. Travel pass will be issued to travel among two countries within this specific time period. They can use Chilahati-Haldibari, Burimari-Chengrabandha, Sahebganj-Bagbandar check point to travel towards Bangladesh. They can shift with all of their movable assets they own. The notice also says that, no land of enclaves (Chitmahals) can be sold within the time period of 22/06/2015 to 31/07/2015. After this time period, from 01/08/2015 to 30/11/2015 land can be sold with prior permission from respective district magistrates. Overall, this notice can be considered as another important step towards the settlement of Chitmahals.

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