Coochbehar’s Primary School Teacher Nominated for National Teacher Award [VIDEO]

By Manoj Hoque Sarkar (TNI Coochbehar) | TNI Editing Siliguri
Webdesk, TNI Coochbehar 21st August, 2017: Mr. Shyamal Kumar Talukdar is going to receive the National Awards for Teachers for the financial year of 2016. He will receive the award on 5th September 2017 i.e. on the auspicious occasion of Teacher’s Day from the hands of the Honourable President of India.
A resident of Deshbandhu Sarani near Gandhi Colony of Coochbehar is a primary teacher by profession and is presently posted at Rambhola Government Sponsored Free Primary School as a Head Master. He is working for the last 33 years in the profession and he is now 53 years of age. Before this award also he has received the Shikkha Ratna Award from the Government of West Bengal in the year 2015. He is very much happy after receiving the news of his selection in the National Awards for Teachers.
Photo & Video: Manoj Hoque Sarkar (TNI)