TNI News Service (TNS)

Webdesk, TNI Kolkata, 27th Apr, 2015: The A major fire broke out at a shopping mall in the New Market area in the heart of Bengal Capital on Sunday. There was no report of any casualty or injury till now. According to the state Disaster Management Minister Javed Khan “The fire is under control and fire fighters are working hard to douse it completely,”. According to some Fire Department sources, the major part of blaze has been doused; some still remained there in some pockets which needed to be put out.

The minister also reiterated that there is an high possibility the fire fighters may also work during the night also in war footing. Reportedly 25 fire tenders and sky-ladders were being used to reach the upper floors of the shopping plaza which was a cinema hall, ‘Light House’ in the past. The initial fire was reported at 11.45 AM and it was suspected to have been caused by short-circuit inside the godown of the mall. Since a huge stock of clothes, leather items and other inflammable materials were there in the godown; this had led to fuel the fire.

Sky Ladders being used to douse the Shopping Mall Fire
Sky Ladders being used to douse the Shopping Mall Fire

The outgoing City Mayor Sovan Chatterjee, who visited the site, said, “Nobody had asked for their (Defence Ministry’s) help in sending a team of fire fighters. We have not sent them back but the situation was not that bad that we required the Army’s help.” The water was pumped from a nearby waterbody on Jawaharlal Nehru Road to douse the fire that, at one of time, was about to spread to the adjacent New Empire building.

Photos: Getty Images
Video: TNI Creatives

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